Our Mission

Our mission statement, based upon the vineyard imagery from John 15, is Grow Up, Grow Out, Grow Fruit.

It outlines our three-step process for building disciples. First we Grow Up, or worship the Lord during Sunday morning worship. Second, we commit to Grow Out and learn from the Lord through Sunday School. Third, we aim to Grow Fruit, or serve God, through our Wednesday night fellowship meals and servant groups. Come, join us, and experience life on the vine!

Salem offers a weekly service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 with Sunday School following.

Click here for the Salem Constitution and the Mennonite Confession of Faith.

Grow Up

Salem desires to grow vertically towards the Lord, to worship Him. Therefore, worship is the first step we take towards following Jesus. Specifically, worship is defined as worth-ship, and what greater way to declare God’s greatness than to give Him priority at the beginning of each week, ahead of our work and leisure? Here at Salem, we worship through a variety of music styles, traditional and contemporary alike.

Grow Out

Grow Out, the second branch of our vision here at Salem, involves our Sunday School education program.

Grow Fruit

Grow Fruit, the third branch of our vision, involves ways for us to put our faith into action.

During the school year, we meet every other Wednesday for supper and then have opportunities for service projects or a time for prayer.

There are also additional ways to serve and spread God's message, other than these set times, and each member is encouraged to be open for opportunities both within Salem and in our community.